Stories from the Horn #129
Some of these links are from older stories that I found interesting. There are loads and loads of links here, enjoy! The next Stories from the Horn will come out in two weeks.
Recent rain in Djibouti cleared the haze and dust from the sky and we could see across the country and water like is rarely possible. Gorgeous.
Somali-American runners is ripping up the track with speed (go Minnesota!)
Somalia’s parliament votes to not extend the President’s term
Minnesota National Guard returns from Africa (including Djibouti)
Alex Song, former Arsenal player, wins Djibouti’s Premier League (to be honest, I’m not sure how significant this is)
Djibouti, a Sea of Opportunity for Investment
The Hidden Life of Somalia’s Christians. This is based on an interview with Bishop Bertini, whom I also interviewed for Stronger than Death. He lives and serves in Djibouti now.
Mary Roach’s next book includes information from Djibouti, just like her book Grunt did. This one will be called Fuzz and comes out in September.
“Oh, here’s the best one: I have a patch from Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, AFRICOM, from the Tree Traveler’s Diarrhea Program, and in the patch it’s got little bacteria and protozoa along with the nation of Djibouti,” Roach said, delighted.”
Ramadan Traditions Across Africa
US Military General Warns China Aims to Set up a Naval Presence in Djibouti
Somaliland wins friends abroad and not so much nearby (The Economist, this is behind a paywall)
Data collection helps fight poverty in Djibouti (*fun fact: this article references the Djibouti 2035 government plan, a document which includes a photo on the front cover that I took and has my daughter in it)
*disturbing Two soldiers executed in Somalia after rape and murder of a young boy
Two UN agencies begin distributing food aid in Somalia
Somalia law appears to allow for marriage of girls as young as ten-years old
Somalia expels CARE country director for creating an atmosphere of “chaos and mistrust”
Former BBC reporter recounts how he survived his now fourth hotel siege in Somalia
Facing a virus while setting up a data system to fight the virus
In personal updates, check out these podcast interviews and events that I’ve participated in lately, also about the Horn.
Holy Heretics: Learning more about God through other religions
Taking Route: Offering Holy Welcomes
Professors in Rooms Getting Coffee: Finding, Not Being, the Center (Part 1)
The Ploughcast: the violence of love
Last but not least:
And check out this review of my book Pillars.