This week I reread Dakota: A Spiritual Geography by Kathleen Norris. It is stunning and it makes me think about Djibouti, about life here as an outsider, about learning to love it, about creating a home. Here’s an apt quote, “A basic principal of desert survival: not only to know where you are but to learn to love what you find there.”
If you want to read about Djibouti itself, and not a book about an American state like Djibouti, check out my book Pillars.
For fun reading this week check out this piece:
Some fun stories this week, like the top five sports in Djibouti (?!) and a translation error that has raw eggs falling into water instead of wadis overflowing.
And there are many dark stories this week, namely about the looming famine and increased fighting again in Tigray, Ethiopia.
Here are the stories:
All-terrain vehicle traveling group visits Djibouti
Beyond the Capes is touring the world without leaving a carbon footprint. He is in Djibouti, stuck for a while, and has some gorgeous photos to show for the delay.
Climate change clothing, maybe they should test them out in Djibouti
The first ship with grain from Ukraine arrives in Djibouti
Apparently the 5 top sports in Djibouti are:
This is a surprise to me, that’s for sure.
Explaining desertification in Djibouti (french):
About the Damerjoog industrial hub that is to be built
Sone of the biodiversity of Djibouti:
And an interesting translation error, thanks to Google Translate. Look out for those raw eggs.
Les oueds en crue
Suite aux précipitations enregistrées dans le secteur d’Arta, plus précisément Weah et ses environs, le barrage de l’Amitié a atteint neuf millions de cube d’eau enregistré à ce jour. Bien que les oueds environnants continuent de se déverser dans le barrage, le niveau de contenance maximums qui est de 14 millions de mètres cube n’est pas encore atteint.
Lire la suite
The eggs in the raw
Following rainfall recorded in the Arta sector, specifically Weah and its environs, the Friendship Dam has reached nine million cubic meters of water recorded to date. While the surrounding eggs continue to spill into the dam, the maximum containment level of 14 million cubic meters has not yet been reached.
Read more
Eritrea joins the offensive in Ethiopia’s Tigray region
Drought and hunger in the Horn of Africa
Can Somali avoid a famine? (al-jazeera video)
More than 700 children die in Somali nutrition centers
Somalia on the verge of famine
New podcast exposes wrongful execution of a Somali seaman in the 1950s
Hadrawi, the Somali poet whose readings were like rock concerts
Yet another article touting the “best country you never heard of”
Inside the clinic fighting to keep starving babies alive
Have a good week, see you in two.